


K1 slalom

Home track

Prague Troy


Czech Republic 🇨🇿

Vit Prindis

TOP results:

total victory of WC 2017 (3x WC winner)

2nd place WC 2017

1st place of World Patrol Championship 2017

1st place in the 2017 ME patrol

2nd place SP overall 2016

1st place in the 2016 ME patrol

2nd place at European Championship 2014

4x champion of the Czech Republic

Where did you start?

I have been paddling in Pražská Troja, which I like very much, since the first shots.

Why do you ride on water?

It runs in my family, but I played more sports since I was little. Water just eventually prevailed over time and was the closest thing to me.

It has remained until now.

Favorite track?

There are more of them, especially if they have real power. So Trnávka, London, Lipno, Bourg,...

Your best boating experience?

Jumping from a 7 meter waterfall in New Zealand.

Goals and plans for the future?

It's impossible to predict in sports, but I would ride for a few more years, if possible, and then we'll see. In my life outside the water, I have finished school and would like to slowly start a project of my own.

Other favorite activities?

Many other sports - running, cycling, cross-country skiing, floorball, football, climbing... I really like spending time with friends, watching a movie or being in nature.

