Ricardo Funk

TOP results:

1st place WC 2017 overall

2nd place WC 2017

1st place WC 2016 overall

2nd place WC London 2015

2nd place ME Markkleeberg 2015

1st place ME Vienna 2014

1st place ME U23 2013

Where did you start?

In Remagen, a small town in the west of Germany.

Why do you ride on water?

Paddling is a multifaceted sport.

Each track has its own character. So there is always a new challenge. You will never be bored. And having fun with sports is the most important thing for me.

Favorite track/river?

The track in Pau (France) is my favorite.

Your best boating experience?

When I won my first medal in the World Cup in Prague in 2012. I didn't expect it at all then and I couldn't believe it for a long time.

Goals and plans for the future?

Stay focused but never forget to have fun.

What do you like to do when you're not kayaking?

Athletics and sewing.

