
January 23, 2002


Water slalom K1

Home track


Czech Republic 🇨🇿

Jakub Krejci

Where, when and how or why did he start paddling them?
I started paddling when I was 9 years old on the weir from Ryb on the Vltava river, because at that time the canal in the Black Sea was being renovated. My dad, who also used to paddle successfully, introduced me to it. We have it as a family tradition where the sport is passed down from generation to generation. My grandfather founded a section in ČB.

What do you enjoy about paddling?
I enjoy the variety of all the different tracks and the variety of passes that can be invented.

Who has been the biggest influence on you throughout your career?
My parents from birth, when they gave me the opportunity to try a lot of sports and finally led me to water slalom. Then Vláď Galuška, who trained me in SCM and I also spent a lot of time with him, and finally my current coach Jan Vondra (Stoupa). Thanks to these people I can do what I enjoy and I am at the level I am.

Which part of the training do you enjoy the most and which part do you dislike?
I like technology when I can play with water and enjoy the time with my friends. On the contrary, I don't enjoy monotonous training, e.g. laps.

Which river is your favorite and why?
The Vltava, because I learned to paddle on it. At the U Rybů weir.
Who do you think is the best kayaker in the world?
Jiří Prskavec.

What are your plans for the future?
I would like water slalom to fulfill me at least as much as it has been up to now, and with international senior results to come. Ideally to win the Olympics.

What do you like to do when you're not paddling?
I ride MTB, play PS and enjoy being with people who are important to me.

Which IG profile do you think is worth following?
SLS or Max Habanec.