


Freestyle / Extreme White Water (K1)

Home track


Poland 🇵🇱

Bartosz Czauderna

TOP results:

+Vice European Champion, Bratislava, SVK 2018
+2nd K1M World Cup 2018
+5th K1M World Cup, Sort, Spain 2018
+ 5th K1M Unleashed Freestyle & Big Air, Uganda 2018
+ 8th K1M WCH in Freestyle Kayaking, San Juan, Argentina 2017
+ 3rd General Euro Cup classification 2017
+ 5th place World Cup, Augsburg, Germany 2010
+ 1st place as junior in European Cup 2009


Where and when did you start paddling?

I have been paddling since I was little, my mom got me into riding a tour boat very early. I rode in Melchior Wankovitz's Krakowski Klub Kajakowy until 2007, where my cousins ​​met Piotr Sikora, who was looking for freestyle juniors. They asked me if I wanted to try it too. I knew right away that I wanted to and soon became addicted to freestyle. Since then, I devoted all my free time to training and finding a playspot.

In the process, I obtained a master's degree at the Academy of Physical Education, but I wanted to become a coach (so that I could pass on my experience), so I started studying again, this time another master's in sports management at the Jagiellonian University, took part in the EMTM in Girona and finally became a Ph.D.

But my whole life revolves only around kayaking. It's not just a sport, it's a way of life.

He made me who I am today - taught me to connect with nature, allowed me to meet many wonderful friends around the world in places I would never have been able to visit otherwise.


Why do you ride on water?

It frees me from reality, from everything. It gives me the opportunity and reason to travel. One learns discipline and respect from the water. Mainly because of the people who move around the water.


What is your favorite place to paddle?

Definitely the Nile in Uganda. It's just paradise. Going there was my first dream. It came true for me for the first time in 2011 and since then I have spent every winter there. Although the Nile has recently been dammed, it is still one of the best places for paddling. I've spent a lot of time there with kayakers from all over the world and I think it's some of the best rapids in the world.

My second favorite place is the Salza River in Austria. It's not heavy, but it has a super playspot right next to where I park my car and can live there all summer. The latest discovery for me is the Zambezi - a great destination!


What is your best boating experience?

The fact that I started doing Love it Live it - it's the result of my whole career. This allows me to go to the best destinations around the world and paddle there with my friends. I really enjoy teaching people to paddle - teaching them something I love. I like to share the joy of paddling with others, it means a lot to me. Every year I also try to find new places to go.

However, the biggest experience for me was when I won the silver medal at the European Championships in 2018. It was the result of all the years of hard training and it gave me the motivation to train even more.


Have you ever eaten something you shouldn't have?

Yes. When I first came to Uganda, I had no experience of rafting at all. My friends talked me into driving Itanda. I didn't want to at first, but then I looked it over and it seemed cool. But it is a huge and difficult rapid and I had no idea how different it was from anything I had driven before. I swam end to end and almost drowned.


Have you ever peed in a kayak?

"Never to your...;)!"


Who influenced you the most in paddling?

"He was definitely Eric Jackson. Not so much the kayaking, but the way he treats people - always smiling and friendly to everyone. When I met him, I decided I wanted to be like him!"

Who is the best kayaker in the world and who do you like to follow on Instagram?

I think the most versatile kayaker today is Dane Jackson. I'm not much of an Instagram person, but I enjoy Dane. I like to see what he does, I enjoy watching his lines. It inspires me and motivates me to go paddling too.


What do you like to do besides paddling?

All sports. I enjoy snowboarding and gymnastics the most.


Does gymnastics help you when paddling?

I think that gymnastics has helped me a lot both with understanding movement as such and I am stronger because of it.


What are your goals and plans for the future?

I still want to have fun paddling and share my passion with others.